All in all, AdWords Editor should satisfy the requirements of most experienced users. It does not put a strain on computer performance, thanks to the fact that it runs on a low amount of CPU and RAM. The tool comes packed with a wide range of options and customization preferences dedicated to creating and managing Google ad campaigns. Information can be backed up and exported to file. In the following stages, AdWords Editor lets you set up and modify keywords, make multiple changes simultaneously, add text ads, dynamic search, product listing, image, WAP text or WAP image ads, organize ad groups, point out placements, audiences, the gender and age, and so on. Multiple campaigns can be updated at the same time. It is possible to replace or append text, change the capitalization, add comments, indicate location extensions, as well as configure dynamic search ads, among other features. So, you can populate the list with CPC and CPM campaigns, as well as edit their properties when it comes to the campaign name, type, search partners, budget, status, ad rotation, start date, language, mobile bid adjustment, devices, delivery method, exact and phrase matching, and more. Resort to an extensive set of tools for online advertisement It is possible to create a list with multiple entries. The UI is user-friendly, represented by a normal window with a well-structured layout, where you can get started by adding Google accounts. Clean interface with approachable options It provides a desktop client that you can use to add and manage multiple accounts, as well as administer ads, ad groups, targets, extensions and campaigns. Google AdWords Editor installs politely but leaves a folder behind upon removal.AdWords Editor is a software application that enables you to better manage advertising campaigns on Google. It's a great choice if you want to work on your campaigns offline and add some useful features to the AdWords experience. But anyone with even minimal experience with AdWords should find the program to be pretty intuitive and easy to use. If you're new to AdWords, don't expect Google AdWords Editor to walk you through the whole process of creating a campaign you'll need to look elsewhere for guidance.

An online Help file provides plenty of guidance on how to use the program. Call to get set up by a Google Ads specialist. If you have AdWords data stored in a spreadsheet, it's easy to import it into the program as a CSV file. To help you get started with Google Ads, we’ll give you 500 in free ad credit when you spend 500. We liked the ease with which Google AdWords Editor let us make large-scale changes to our campaigns, editing multiple keywords at once. You can manage keywords, placements, audiences, ads, ad groups, and extensions with the program, and statistics can optionally be downloaded and displayed as well. We easily signed in to our AdWords account and loaded our data into the program if you have multiple accounts, it's easy to sign into all of them and then select the one you want to work with from a drop-down menu. AdWords Editor will automatically fill in your Display and Destination. Google AdWords Editor is extremely intuitive and they have just recently updated their software to increase efficiency and user experience for your paid search. If it sends you straight through to the Finish & Review Changes screen, click Back and double check that your headline is actually in the headline column. The program's interface is plain and utilitarian, with its major features arranged in tabs. After hitting submit, you should second check that your three columns align with what Editor thinks you are doing. Use it to download your account, update your campaigns with powerful editing tools, then upload your changes to. There's no guarantee that it will improve the success of your ad campaign, but it can at least make the whole thing a little easier to deal with. AdWords Editor is a free Google application for managing your AdWords campaigns. Google AdWords Editor is a simple tool that lets AdWords users manage their campaigns on their desktop. Google AdWords can be a powerful form of advertising, placing ads for your business right next to related Google search results-if you do it right.