Not only is greater heal more mana efficient than mini heal, but it heals you much faster. The way to out-heal this is to spam greater heal (versus mini heal). The majority of duels end from one guy "bursting" the other guy down with a combination of big spells / weapon hits. The default settings are what most people play with. Make sure you only have regular GM-made leather armor/weapons equipped and in your bag. Magery, Meditation, Magic Resist, Eval Intel, Wrestling (5x mage) Set up the following template for dueling: Purchase credits with gold (they are quite cheap) via the stone. Before dueling, you will need to set up a dueling template and purchase dueling credits. Double click the stone in the middle of the arena to duel. Go to any moongate and then press "arena" to travel to the dueling arena. Note there are many more nuanced mechanics that I have not included here, but I don't want this post to get too convoluted. I figured I'd just make a basic guide to refer them to. I'd like to see more people in the duel pits! I've had a lot of people PMing me lately for dueling tips. And then there's about two people in the duel pit. The other day Owyn said in #general that there were 1600 people online. Each 15 points can be used to purchase an arena cloth (current price 400k per)! Winning a whole tournament can net you up to 70-80 points (around 2 mil)! Dueling is also very fun once you get into it Every round you win nets you about 15 points. Additionally, each week there is a 1v1 and 2v2 tournament on Saturdays. You will become a better fielder, and be able to hold your own in 1v1s in dungeons, etc. Dueling allows you to learn mechanics that you wouldn't otherwise learn in any other aspect of the game.